Corporate Businesses

Top New Orleans videographer portfolio of corporate businesses videos

IndustryViewing: Corporate Businesses

Top New Orleans videographer portfolio of corporate businesses videos

Louisiana Economic Development

Client: Louisiana Economic Development

CORPORATE VIDEO PRODUCTION for Louisiana Economic Development

For this video, Fire on the Bayou and Peter Mayer Advertising combined their expertise to create a plan to promote Louisiana Economic Development (LED), a government agency dedicated to uplifting businesses and creating jobs in Louisiana. With videography by Fire on the Bayou, this corporate video production was created to inform people about LED’s incentives for companies. Specifically, their FastStart program assists companies with recruiting, training, and sustaining their workforce.

Featuring clips of interviews with CEOs and presidents of businesses, the video has a convincing tone to attract businesses to learn more about LED’s services. In particular, this corporate video production appeals to companies by resonating with their Louisiana roots and showcasing relevant footage of locations and businesses of Louisiana. The video tells a compelling story and includes graphics and visual effects to enhance its appeal.

Professional Videography Services for Corporate Businesses

Fire on the Bayou has expertise in creating video content for corporate businesses and organizations to effectively communicate their messages. Through video planning, filming, and post-production services, Fire on the Bayou collaborates closely with corporate organizations to accurately capture their ideas and convey them to audiences.

Purpose: Corporate Communications

Industry: Corporate Businesses

Director: Jason Villemarette

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